Sunday, December 4, 2011

Speed Racer: A Good One #148

In an effort to expand the cultural horizons of the marketing department, I allowed them to watch the first episode of the classic '60s cartoon Speed Racer. It didn't go well. I'm frankly surprised by this as it contains rudimentary animation, high speed chases, fiery explosions, car crashes, motorcycle gangs, neckerchiefs, a bangin' (and totally implausible) vehicle, and an awesome theme song; I assumed they would enjoy it because I like all that stuff and people should like things I like because I'm great. Fail. They're no longer with the company, and by "no longer with the company" I mean that as a company we decided to go another way and they've all been crushed by a safe. I'm sorry they chose to have this happen to them, as that means a mountain of paperwork for me and waste of a perfectly good safe. I'm now taking applications in many departments of Deathrage Industries. I watched it on DVD, and it was pretty frickin' sweet.

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