Monday, January 28, 2013

Beneath Loch Ness

Unconvincing deep-sea divers unconvincingly excavate rocks or something in unconvincing Loch Ness when an unconvincing earthquake causes an unconvincing CGI boulder to crush one of the divers, then the unconvincing tail of an unconvincing Loch Ness Monster is partially shown for the next hour or so while Americans talk about it while looking a little too suntanned and sweaty for being in an unconvincing Scotland that looks suspiciously like California, then I stopped caring. Not for a single moment did I ever believe any of the underwater scenes took place underwater, and I would think that's an important detail when your film is titled Beneath Loch Ness. It's just awful.

Luckily for you, there doesn't seem to be a trailer.

In completely unrelated news having nothing to do with Scotland, My Bloody Valentine have announced they will be releasing their first album in 20 years sometime in the 'next two or three days'. While that's a thrilling development, it's also a relatively unlikely scenario as new music has been threatened once every few years for the past two decades. Let's all hold our collective breaths, shall we?

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