Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Brain Eaters

A silver cone-like craft appears in Illinois while men who have pulsating Brain Eaters attached to their necks walk around town clutching mysterious glowing orbs and throttling innocent bystanders in this talky sci-fi film. There's voice-over narration, a couple become unconvincing locked in an unconvincingly tiny shed while it's unconvincingly on fire for some reason, and while being attacked by a Brain Eater someone shouts, "It's breaking open the skin!" because that's a thing people often say when being unconvincingly attacked by unconvincingly photographed and unconvincingly hamster-like Brain Eaters. There is an interesting "Brain Eater crawling in the bedroom" POV shot that I liked a lot, but the film on the whole has a certain "invading body snatcher" sort of vibe about it that I can't put my finger on and that was done more effectively about 3 years earlier from an unrelated film whose name escapes me. I watched The Brain Eaters on Youtube. Here's a trailer:

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