Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The intestines of several extras are torn out by a vicious chicken/dinosaur hybrid hand puppet in this movie starring Clint Howard. If you're worried about watching a film with Clint Howard, you can relax because he's only in it a short time before his head is torn off while he's eating a bucket of the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices because apparently chicken/dinosaur hand puppets are annoyed by that sort of thing. Diane Ladd is the mad scientist who has engineered chicken eggs to have tiny dinosaurs and the liquified remnants of a Shamrock Shake inside them, and it's hardly gross or convincing at all. And to add insult to injury, a woman gives birth to a slimy green egg the size of a basketball while wearing pantyhose because apparently there was no time to take them off or it was a convenient bit of product placement for L'Eggs.

So, yeah. Carnosaur was just terrible, but it was refreshing to watch something terrible after watching so many decent indie films.

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