Thursday, February 2, 2012


After their drunk boat captain takes a little nap and by "little nap" I mean "unconvincingly pass out and flop around on the deck", 4 thirty-something teenagers pilot their dinghy to a mysterious island where corsets wash up on the beach, and then they're hunted by a crossbow wielding dude with a Van Dyke beard. There's quicksand, boom shadows, gooey severed body parts, a vat of acid, and lumbering henchmen. Bloodlust is vaguely reminiscent of The Most Dangerous Game and by "vaguely reminiscent" I mean "complete ripoff"...and if The Most Dangerous Game had capris and ponytails, and if the dialogue of The Most Dangerous Game consisted of 'what gives?' and 'far-out', and if The Most Dangerous Game starred the dad from The Brady Bunch, and if The Most Dangerous Game sucked. I watched Bloodlust on the DVD set 32 Drive-In Cult Classics. Here's a trailer:

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