Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warning From Space: Terrible Movies #174

A lot of movie goes by before we actually get to see starfish-shaped aliens attack geishas, and while that sounds pretty awesome, it isn't. Honestly, I have no idea what happened in this movie. Lots of stuff dangles from strings, a dancing girl faints, there are some picturesque shots of Mount Fuji, and there's some sort of tennis racket mystery. I couldn't make heads or tails out of the whole shebang, and I don't want anyone to explain it to me. Here's a clip:

See what I mean? What's happening? Heck if I know. Anyway, I watched it on Youtube, and you shouldn't. If you can't stop yourself, you can watch it below:


  1. As intrigued as I was by men in menacing starfish outfits, I failed to make it through this one. I seem to have understood even less of it than you did.

  2. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but thanks for giving it a shot.

  3. Also, were the starfish creatures supposed to be building sized or people sized? My brain was numbed into submission, but the art seemed to imply building sized ...

  4. That's a very good question. I believe the answer is people sized. I should watch it again to be sure, but I'm afraid it might be lethal.
